Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Look what I just made in 5 minutes!

This is not a picture of the one I made. . .my camera battery seems to be dead. . .but aren't these pretty? And cheap! And easy! This is a great project for all you recessionistas out there, and fun to make with your kids. Get the instructions here, and enjoy!

Monday, December 15, 2008


Hey y'all--my mom has four new listings of her Ella Bella dress currently up on ebay, all one-of-a-kind, all in different sizes. These outfits include 8 different pieces, so your little one can wear the design in multiple ways. They also are virtually "season-less," meaning that depending on which pieces you pair them with, you can wear the design year round. Total bargain in my (unbiased) opinion. ;) Check out this eye-candy:

Brown/White with Hot Pink Accents Size 5T
(the picture of Ella is included to show one of the many ways the design can be worn, but the auction is for the dress set on the left)

Rose/Green/Brown Size 4T

Green/Turquoise/Brown Size 4T

Pink/Brown Size 3T

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Way to go Mom!

Hey friends and fam,

My mom has started listing her dress designs on ebay, with this one being the first--check out the link below to see her amazing handiwork: