Thursday, March 20, 2008

The New Family Trampoline

Well, we finally gave in and got a tramp for the kids. Dan and I wrestled this thing together last night, and the task just about put me into early labor. I swear I felt my hips separating a couple of times as we each tugged those darn springs into place! But we finally succeeded, and Grant is loving it. Ella, however, is a bit more aprehensive. She refuses to even set foot on the thing--she must be in someone's arms at all times. I am looking forward to sunny days ahead when I can send the kids outside to jump their little brains out and then come inside for a nice long nap.
Testing the waters. . .
5. . . 4. . . 3. . . 2. . . 1. . .
Blast off!
Just look at those happy faces!


Lindsey said...

You are officially a mormon family! Looks like fun.