Saturday, June 7, 2008

Stumped again

Here's another installment of "conversations with Grant," this time featuring Dan as the stumped parent.

Grant: "Mom, what's the biggest number EVER?"
Mom: "Infinity is the biggest number--it goes on forever and ever."
Grant: "No, infinity is NOT the biggest number, 1,000 is."
Mom: That's a big number, but not as big as a million, or a billion, or a trillion. And definitely not as big as infinity."
Grant: "No it's not."
Mom: "Yes it is."
Grant: "No it's not."

(Stage note--this verbal joust continues for sometime until. . .)

Mom: "Yes it is--ask Dad."
Grant: "Dad, what's the biggest number ever?"
Dan (walking right into Grant's trap): "Infinity, buddy."
Grant: "No it's not."
Dan: "Then what's the biggest number, do you think?"
Grant (rolling his eyes at how easily he's won this match): "and beyond."

Dang, this kid is good.


Katie said...

He is good. I love this and the one about being faster than God. Totally funny. Aren't Blogs the best for recording stuff like this? I used to think I'd remember it and then put it in the baby book when I got a chance. It rarely happened.