Friday, May 30, 2008

Preschool Graduation

This year, Grant and I have been involved in a co-op preschool with seven other ladies and their kids from our ward. We met twice a week at a different home every week. Grant learned his letters, practiced writing his name, learned about the weather, calendar, and counting, among other things. I'm really impressed with how much he's learned since we started. He can count to 100 by ones and tens, count backwards from 20, and has started to recognize simple two and three letter words. Last night we had a little "graduation" ceremony for the kids and parents to celebrate completing their first year of preschool.

Grant had to answer some questions about his favorites:
Favortite color: Pink
Favorite food: Hamburgers
Favorite thing to do at preschool: Write his name

High Fives to Miss Casey

Grant getting his certificate from Miss Mabry

Giving a thank you card and flower to mom

Way to go little buddy!